About Me

Hi, my name is Kayla McIntosh and I am an aspiring web designer.

I have always been drawn to visual art, but I did not discover my passion for front-end web development until my junior year at Brooklyn College. As a Multimedia Computing major, I have learned how to combine my knowledge in tech with my artistic background to create visually appealing web pages.

Since graduating from Brooklyn College, I have been completing small projects to practice and learn how to make my pages more engaging. I have experience designing web pages using Webflow, but so far, I find that writing HTML code is the easiest way to have complete control of the functionality and appearance of my pages.

Other Interests

In addition to coding, I frequently draw and my love of art has allowed me to create the logos and favicons for this site.

I also developed an interest in 3d modeling because I am an avid gamer and have always been drawn to games with incredible graphics. Using Three.js, I created the basketballs on this page because I can say with certainty that I will never grow bored of the sport.